Inquiry Hub PAC

Keeping parents informed throughout the seasons...
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About PAC

The School Act gives parents the right, through Parent Advisory Councils (PACs), to provide feedback in their school. Inquiry Hub PAC is the officially recognized collective voice of parents of Inquiry Hub.

Our Purpose

The purpose of our PAC IS:

  • To support continual improvement in the quality of education and the well-being of all INQUIRY HUB students in all geographical areas and all INQUIRY HUB programs.
  • To organize and encourage PAC activities and events, including events that foster a strong school community.
  • To promote the education and welfare of all students in the school by working together with the school’s Principal, Vice-Principal and staff in a positive and progressive manner.
  • To provide and support parent education, mentorship, and a forum for discussion of educational and distributed learning issues for parents in all programs.
  • To advise the Principal and staff on parents’ views on any matter relating to the school when deemed necessary.
  • To promote cooperation between the home and school in providing for the education of children.


  • A committee to discuss individual students or individual staff problems/conflicts.

Our Bylaws

In 2012, a committee was formed to create an iHub PAC CONSTITUTION. We encourage our community to review the document each year. You can also review the iHub CODE OF CONDUCT 2012 2013.

Our 2022/23 PAC Executive

Position Member
Chair Tammy Craik
Treasurer Andrew Shaw
Secretary Stephanie Sauer
DPAC Rep Geoffery Kehrig

Our Meetings

We try to schedule a PAC meeting each month. Our meetings will be held at the school but we will continue to have the meetings streamed on Zoom so parents can join virtually as well. Parents and students are encouraged to attend. This is a great place to bring up questions to the PAC and School Principal and to be involved in discussions around improving the Inquiry Hub Community. If you missed a meeting you can always view our Minutes. We will also post an agenda a week before each meeting. We hope to see you at the next meeting!

Contact PAC

Contact PAC

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Emerging Issues:

Our School strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, please refer to to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.